What to Read: “A disrupted homecoming wasn’t enough. The threat of a graduate-student walkout wasn’t enough. A nightly encampment wasn’t enough. A hunger striker’s potential dead body wasn’t enough. We often speak theoretically about the power athletes wield to enact social change — we are talking about it more now than ever — but here were real, tangible results from real, influential players. They won.” Colin Kaepernick’s silent protest is a start, but what if pro athletes refused to play? What Mizzou Knew.

+ What to Hear: Last night I saw Nothing But Thieves perform in small club in SF, and that will be the last time I get to see them in small venue. I don’t think I’ve heard a better voice live than Conor Mason. So, consider this a reminder to check them out. Start with this live set from earlier in 2016.

+ What to Gawk At: Voyages – visual journeys by six photographers in the NYT.

+ What to Book: Wolf Boys: Two American Teenagers and Mexico’s Most Dangerous Drug Cartel. (I’m listening to the audiobook. Riveting and informative.)

+ What to Podcast: Planet Money Buys Oil.