Veggie Tales

“If you’re like me, you don’t really want to wade into this issue. It’s too big, technical, and confusing. But come with me, just this once. I want to take you backstage, behind those blanket assurances about the safety of genetic engineering. I want to take you down into the details of four GMO fights, because that’s where you’ll find truth.” Slate’s William Saletan takes a very close look at the war against genetically modified organisms and argues that it’s full of fearmongering, errors, and fraud. gmOMG…

+ Wait, can organic farming be worse for climate change than conventional farming?

+ If those two pieces make you mad, then you better close your eyes because MoJo is about to ruin Kale. (I imagine Spinach looks at Kale the way Britney Spears looks at Taylor Swift.)

+ Speaking of genetically modified foods, is there any doubt that genetically modified babies are in our future?

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