Deal or No Deal
After negotiations that extended beyond their original deadlines, Iran and six world powers finally announced a deal … to begin drafting the text of an actual deal to limit Iran’s nuclear development in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions. Only hours before the framework was agreed upon, Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif told reporters that “We have a very serious problem of confidence.” But later in the day Zarif, John Kerry and other world leaders tweeted that those issues had been resolved. So Iran and the U.S. come to a historic agreement and top leaders announce that on Twitter. The latter is as remarkable a shift as the former.
+ Vox has a simple guide to the deal. And you can also read the fact sheet issued by the State Department: Parameters of the plan on Iran nuclear program.
+ The negotiations with Iran are part of what could really be called the Obama Doctrine; the idea that major world issues can be resolved by talking to one’s adversaries. It’s a philosophy about which one could rightfully feel hopeful or cynical. Or even a little of both. From WaPo: Why Obama chose the Iran talks to take one of his presidency’s biggest risks.
Cuba Airbnbargo
History can move pretty quickly. As of today, Airbnb is available in Cuba. The location launched with about 1,000 listings. You’ve got to hand it to Airbnb. I always thought the new car dealers would get there first.
School Shooting
“If you were a Christian you were shot on the spot. With each blast of the gun I thought I was going to die.” At least 147 people were killed when al-Shabab Islamist militants stormed university campus in Kenya.
Cockpit of Despair
In some cases, one’s iPad browser history can tell you as much as a black box. Authorities now report that Germanwing’s co-pilot Andreas Lubitz “had been trawling the Internet for ways to commit suicide and had sought out information online about the safety mechanisms on cockpit doors.”
“Kevin Lynch accepted a job offer from Apple. Funny thing about the offer: It didn’t say what he would be doing. So intense is Apple’s secrecy that all Lynch knew was his vague title, vice president of technology, and that he’d be working on something completely new.” Wired’s David Pierce provides a very interesting look at the creation of one of the most anticipated products in recent memory. iPhone Killer: The secret history of the Apple Watch.
Scratch That, Reverse It
Earlier this week, we learned that the amount of time you spend with your kids doesn’t have much impact on how they turn out. Today, NYT Upshot’s Justin Wolfers lists the flaws in the much-shared study and determines that, yes, your time as a parent does make a difference. Maybe we should stop trying the devise the ideal methods to create the ideal person and just spend time with our kids because we love them and they’ll refuse to hang out with us pretty soon.
Photographic Memories
“A remembrance never formed is worse, far worse, than a remembrance lost.” A great line from Walter Kirn’s piece on memory in the digital age: Remembrance of Things Lost.
+ The impact of constant photos and videos on one’s personal memories is fascinating. We now watch our experiences instead of remembering them. I wrote a post about this idea: We All Have Photographic Memories Now.
+ The Verge: Facebook’s new nostalgia feature is already bringing up painful memories.
Put a Lid on It
“Given our cult of youth, our populist preference for informality and our native inclination toward sportiness, its emergence as the common man’s crown was inevitable.” In the NYT Magazine Troy Patterson looks back at the history of the baseball hat.
+ And while we’re on the topic of baseball, Consumerist wants to know: How did the hot dog get such a bad rap?
Treasure Chest
Sapna Maheshwari shares a stat that might surprise you: Jessica Simpson’s brand now makes $1 billion in annual sales.
“It’s like extreme couponing: Those people get, like, 10,000 diapers for free even though they don’t have kids.” In Racked Chavie Lieber spends some time with the credit card obsessives who game the system.
The Bottom of the News
For the past couple decades, Alex Feldman has spent every April 1st walking around Boston trying to give money to strangers. (In the tech industry, we do that every day of the year.)
+ Can sex sell adult-incontinence products? Apparently, we’re about to find out.
+ MoJo: Chris Rock is taking a selfie every time he gets pulled over by the police.
+ NPR: Searching online may make you think you’re smarter than you are. Like we didn’t know that…