The Brady Hunch
“We’re not Jewish But I think we’re into everything … I don’t know what I believe. I think there’s a belief system, I’m just not sure what it is.” There’s at least one thing that Tom Brady knows that he believes. He wants to play at a very high level for a very long time. From the NYT Mag: Tom Brady Can’t Stop. (When I was a kid, I gave players on the 49ers dynasty teams new names like Joe Montanaberg, Dwight Clarkbaum, and Fred Deanstein. Trust me, if Tom Brady was Jewish, I’d know…)
+ And yes, we’re actually using the phrase “a person of interest” in relation to DeflateGate. (The best part of this story is that each chapter begins with a member of the media explaining how sick they are of covering it. Sort of like they’re sick of covering blizzards.)