Room for Everybody

“The richest 500 million have way more money than the next 6 billion combined. You solve that by getting everyone online, and into the knowledge economy — by building out the global Internet.” Mark Zuckerberg explains why he established and why he thinks it’s critical that everyone gets online.

+ According to Pew, 46% of Americans have both a home broadband connection and a smartphone. (So that means 54% of us still occasionally talk to members of our families.)

+ In many ways, Houzz has a perfect Internet content-commerce model. Designers are compelled to share all of their work. Homeowners doing a remodel become quickly addicted to the site. And almost all of the users are in buying mode. So yeah, Houzz is growing like crazy. My family is one day away from completing a six-month remodeling project. Words can’t explain how excited I am to stop using Houzz for awhile…

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