Weekend Whats
What to Doc: In The Grab, an investigative journalist from the excellent Center for Investigative Reporting uncovers the money, influence and alarming rationale behind covert efforts to control the most vital resource on the planet. This is the story about the story beneath all other stories. Great stuff. Streaming on Hulu. Available to rent elsewhere.
+ What to Book: “I love this book. It moves like a souped-up pickup truck.” So said Patti Smith of Betsy Lerner’s debut novel Shred Sisters, about family, mental illness, and a hard-won path between two sisters.
+What to Watch: For the next for years, I want to watch series that are a little too long, easy to consume, and take place in beautiful settings. Maestro in Blue on Netflix (and on a beautiful Ionian island in Greece) got me through a couple weeks.