Just for the Record
“Among the items that now take up space in David Rush’s basement and garage are: Four unicycles, hundreds of juggling objects, piles of chopsticks, three pogo sticks, a Samurai sword and a water balloon launcher.” The Samurai sword may sound a little worrisome. And I’m not sure how I’d feel about having a neighbor who juggles axes in the backyard. But David Rush is probably pretty harmless (if you keep a distance) to everyone other than those clinging to one of many bizarre Guinness World Records. Those people should beware. He’s coming after you. Rush now holds the record for most records, and that includes setting a new record (after his old one had been broken) by “smashing 55 vinyl records in 30 seconds.” WaPo (Gift Article): It began with sibling rivalry. Now he has 181 Guinness World Records. Maybe David Rush is a little crazy. Or maybe, in a moment when we’re all desperate for momentary distractions from political battles and geopolitical news, a guy who spends his time focused on trying to balance 101 rolls of toilet paper rolls on his head will also set a record for holding onto his sanity the longest.