Kamala Mode

Moments after stepping aside, Biden endorsed Kamala Harris for President: “My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.” Moments after that, a new shirt was born. Country Over Self: Let’s Do This.

+ Here are a few quick takes on what just happened, the likely new candidate, and the new race.

+ A racist, misogynist, criminal getting taken down by a Black, female prosecutor. Has a nice ring to it. Nearly everyone in Democratic circles immediately coalesced around the Prosecutor vs Felon theme. But if I were running the Harris campaign, I’d spend the most time on reproductive rights and how that issue relates to the broader powergrab by the Supreme Court. Kamala Harris is not necessarily the best retail politician around, but she is excellent on that issue and most Americans agree with her.

+ I think the members of the media would all have to agree that Donald Trump is way too old to be president. But given the last month of coverage, we might see them argue that Harris is too young and youthful. Actually, here’s a better idea: Let’s focus on the fact that Trump has spent much of his campaign openly praising dictators.

+ “It seems likely that Biden will fall back on a recurring motif in his own long history of endurance. Decades ago, when he confronted the first agony of his life, the car crash that killed his wife and daughter, he landed on a strategy for survival: find a way, any way, to turn his pain into purpose.” Evan Osnos in The New Yorker: Joe Biden’s Act of Selflessness.

+ Trump’s reaction to the Biden move was to keep attacking Biden. This is a key tell. The whole Trump machine has been built to attack Joe and Hunter. But Joe’s age doesn’t matter anymore. There’s only one old guy in the race. And Hunter Biden’s laptop and gun cases don’t matter either. Tim Alberta does a great job covering Trumpworld, so this from The Atlantic (Gift Article) is worth noting. This Is Exactly What the Trump Team Feared. “For a campaign that went to bed Saturday believing that it would dictate the terms of the election every day until November 5, Sunday brought an unfamiliar feeling of powerlessness. For the first time in a long time, Trump does not control the narrative of 2024.” (None of this is to suggest that the Dems suddenly have some incredible advantage or lead. But the race is back on.)

+ Anne Applebaum with a good summary of the current race: “On the one hand, we have a sitting president who understood his limitations and, in an act of patriotism, selflessness, and party unity, decided to step away from power. On the other hand, we have a former president clinging to power, holding on desperately to the myth of a lost election, evoking the same predictable descriptions of carnage and disaster he served up eight years ago. Today, he is still attacking Biden, who is no longer his opponent.”

+ Gov in the Time of Cholera: To quote Gabriel García Márquez, It was inevitable. Biden couldn’t possibly resist the pressure to exit the race. If the saga had a turning point, it was, as I argued at the time, when Nancy Pelosi gave it one. And if Harris’s candidacy had a consolidating moment, it was when Nancy Pelosi endorsed her.

+ The Veep selection of JD Vance was a big win for Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, and Vance’s other big money backers, and it will draw more of their dough into Trump’s coffers. But Vance does nothing to expand the base or change the narrative in swing states. Harris has an opportunity to make a much more strategic choice.

+ Kamala pulled in around $60 million in a few hours while consolidating the support of the party. And guys, get this. She’s pro democracy.

+ Vox wonders: Could Republicans sue to keep Biden on the ballot? It would be a ridiculous effort with zero legal validity made by a party backing a guy who led an actual coup. But our current Supreme Court has made crazier rulings.

+ Trump loves to give his opponents nicknames. So far, the one he has for his new challenger is pretty weak: Laughing Kamala. I thought of a better nickname for Trump to use for her: President Harris.

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