The Inside Job

“I raised the vial into the air. The ceiling lights illuminated tiny splatters of slime, which looked almost like ants crawling up the sides of the glass. I marvelled at the simplicity with which the microscopic machines had been created, and at the complexity of the biology they were meant to influence. ‘So that’s it?’ I asked, turning to Li. The process had taken less than half an hour, and the ingredients had cost about a hundred dollars. He looked at me and smiled. ‘That’s it.'” The New Yorker’s Dhruv Khullar with an interesting look at the Rise of the Nanomachines. “Nanotechnology can already puncture cancer cells and drug-resistant bacteria. What will it do next?” Nano Nano.

+ “The 2030s will usher in the third phase of life extension, which will be to use nanotechnology to overcome the limitations of our biological organs altogether. As we enter this phase, we’ll greatly extend our lives, allowing people to far transcend the normal human limit of 120 years.” Ray Kurzweil in Wired on how nanorobots will enter our lives and our bodies and change how long we live. The Secret to Living Past 120 Years Old? Nanobots. (I always thought the secret to living past 120 years old was to avoid the news.)

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