Feel Good Friday
“Jake Portella, a student at Haddonfield Memorial High School in New Jersey, lives in the same neighborhood as Philadelphia Phillies star Bryce Harper and had an idea. He walked over to Harper’s house and knocked on the door, and when the outfielder answered, Portella asked for assistance in asking a classmate to prom.” (I suppose it makes sense to request the assistance of a professional baseball player if you’re trying to get to first base.)
+ “A five-year-old boy born without a left hand is believed to have become the youngest in the world to receive a bionic hero arm. Jordan’s life-changing Iron Man-style arm was an ‘instant confidence boost’ for him, his mother Ashley Marotta said.”
+ “The question was presented to her as, ‘If you have one thing that you want to see change in this community, what would it be?’,” Wade recalled. “And, for her, it goes right to parents. It goes right to the adults. It goes right to us. It’s not the kids. It’s us. And so she wanted to create a space that felt safe for parents and their kids. That’s what Translatable is, and it’s her baby.” NBA great Dwyane Wade launches Translatable, an online community supporting transgender youth.
+ First-of-its-kind medical school in Cherokee Nation graduates inaugural class of doctors.
+ Yoga too boring for you? Try Yoga with piglets.
+ No, the solution to the Wheel of Fortune puzzle was not, “Right in the Butt.”