Breaking the Cohen of Silence

Will Trump’s fixer be America’s elixir? Probably not. But the testimony from Trump’s former inside man is proving quite damaging so far. Michael Cohen on the concern over the Stormy Daniels story: “He said to me: ‘This is a disaster. Total disaster. Women are going to hate me. This is really a disaster. Women will hate me. Guys may think it’s cool, but this is going to be a disaster for the campaign,’ Cohen said. ‘At the time, Mr. Trump was polling very, very low with women,’ Cohen explained. ‘He was polling very poorly with women — and this, coupled with the previous Access Hollywood’ tape. While Cohen sought to negotiate a deal with Daniels, Trump instructed him to ‘just get past the election, because if I win, it will have no relevance because I’ll be president, and if I lose, no one will care.’ When Cohen asked how Daniels’ claims might affect Trump’s relationship with Melania, Trump told him, ‘Don’t worry.’ He goes, ‘How long do you think I’ll be on the market for? Not long,’ Cohen recounted. ‘He wasn’t thinking about Melania … This was all about the campaign.'” Here’s the latest from CNN and NBC. One of the ironies of this testimony is how worried Trump was that this story would derail support among his base and his enablers. It’s laughable considering what they’ve put up with since.

+ The Onion: Trump Reflexively Asks Michael Cohen To Silence Michael Cohen.

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