Stache and Carry
There is a disconnect between how the economy is doing and how people seem to think it’s doing. But one place where the economy is undeniably and unequivocally roaring is in the marketplace for stuff owned by, used by, or even touched by celebrities. The New Yorker: The Place to Buy Kurt Cobain’s Sweater and Truman Capote’s Ashes. “In the past year, the fine-art market has cooled, owing to uncertainty about the economy, but prices for celebrity-adjacent objects keep going up. A few weeks before the Julien’s event, Sotheby’s had auctioned off Freddie Mercury’s estate, drawing the most bidders the house had seen in two decades. ‘There was zero rationality to the valuations,’ Chase McCue, the director of memorabilia at Hard Rock International, told me. ‘His mustache comb went for almost two hundred thousand.’ The sale brought in more than fifteen million dollars, nearly quadruple the high estimate.” Lunacy is recession proof.