Cash Test Dummies?
I’m just back from my dropping off my daughter during her high school’s hellish morning traffic jam, so I might be a little biased, but I find it hard to believe that computers could be worse drivers than humans. That said, there’s no doubt that the self-driving car revolution got a little ahead of itself. In NY Mag (Gift Article), John Herrman argues that Apple’s recent exit from car-making business has everything do with the autonomous driving challenge. “Every firm in the race to build a self-driving car was running into the same few real-world obstacles (and, occasionally, other cars), namely unpredictable drivers and wildly diverse environments and road conditions.” Apple, Tesla, and the Dying Dream of Self-Driving Cars.
+ Still, on the Streets of San Francisco (and soon LA), self-driving taxis are all over the place, and in some cases they’re waymo than we bargained for. Waymo robotaxis are coming to LA.
+ We were promised jetpacks. Well, they just held the first Jet Suit race.