Extra, Extra

The World’s Open Wound: VP Harris called for an immediate, temporary ceasefire ahead a meeting with Benny Gantz. And a United Nations team “found convincing evidence that hostages in Gaza were raped, Pramila Patten, the UN special envoy on sexual violence and women, told reporters on Monday. Patten said there is ‘clear and convincing information’ that some hostages were taken to Gaza and subjected to sexual violence and ‘reasonable grounds’ to believe the sexual violence is ongoing.” AP: After 10 years of trying, a Palestinian woman had twins. An Israeli strike killed them both.

+ Private Chat: “Perhaps the most insidious calamity we face is one of doubt: we cease to believe in ourselves, as human beings with values, who deserve to rule themselves in the system we call democracy. For most of this century, democracy has been in decline, and this decline has been accompanied by a discourse of passivity and a lack of resolve. Russia’s attack on Ukraine — the rare event of an armed autocracy seeking to destroy a peaceful democracy by military force — was a turning point in this history. Which way we will all turn remains to be seen.” Timothy Snyder on what’s at stake as Mike Johnson delays Ukraine aid. The apocalypse we choose. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s troops are rationing ammunition.

+ Defense Mechanisms: “Well aware of Israel’s intelligence methods, Hamas members fed their enemy the data that they wanted to hear, using informants they knew would report to the Israelis. They signaled that the ruling group inside Gaza was concentrating on improving the local economy by gaining access to the Israeli job market, and that Hamas had been deterred from action by Israel’s overwhelming military might. Such reports confirmed that Israel’s intelligence system had rigid assumptions of Hamas behavior, overlaid with a racial arrogance that considered Palestinians incapable of such a large-scale operation. AI, it turned out, knew everything about the terrorist except what he was thinking.” Andrew Cockburn with a contrarian look a tech’s promise and limitations when it comes to defense. It begins with a look at Israel’s Oct 7 failure, but the main focus is the US. Harper’s: The Pentagon’s Silicon Valley Problem.

+ Oregon Wrong: “Backers of the 2020 ballot measure, which passed with 58% support, successfully convinced their fellow residents of the left-leaning state that decriminalization would mean fewer nonviolent drug addicts in prison and more in treatment. But while the first part of the prediction proved true, the second didn’t.” Oregon Decriminalized Hard Drugs. Now It’s Reversing Course.

+ Port Au Wince: “Haiti’s government declared a 72-hour state of emergency on Sunday after armed gangs stormed a major prison. At least 12 people were killed and about 3,700 inmates escaped in the jailbreak.” BBC: Haiti gangs: The spiralling power of criminal groups.

+ Money For Nothing: “Five years after Spotify first complained about Apple’s App Store practices, the European Commission has issued a decision… and a $2 billion fine.” (Well, at least someone is finally making money off music streaming…)

+ Caitlinsanity: “Honestly, if you would have told me that before my college career started, I would have laughed in your face and been like, ‘No, you’re insane.'” Iowa’s Caitlin Clark passes Pete Maravich for scoring record. Oklahoma’s softball team lost to Louisiana. Why is that big news? The Sooners had won 71 straight games before the loss. And at the NFL Combine, Xavier Worthy sets 40-yard dash record of 4.21 seconds.

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