The Man Who Wouldn’t Be King
“The ruling is significant not only for its stark repudiation of Trump’s novel immunity claims but also because it breathes life back into a landmark prosecution that had been effectively frozen for weeks as the court considered the appeal. Yet the one-month gap between when the court heard arguments and issued its ruling has already created uncertainty about the timing of a trial in a calendar-jammed election year, with the judge overseeing the case last week canceling the initial March 4 date.” One of the characteristics of the Trump era is that it has forced us to seriously debate the ridiculous. It’s true for our media. And it’s increasingly true for our courts. Thankfully, a federal appeals panel saw the ridiculousness in Donald Trump’s broad claim that he should be considered immune from prosecution for alleged criminal acts he committed as president. Trump is not immune in 2020 election interference case. Ironically, one of Trump’s key reasons for wanting to be president again is to thwart the many legal challenges he faces. This ruling is a huge setback for Trump’s legal strategy, but it’s not just about winning the arguments. It’s about delaying the process. At this point, I wish someone would grant us immunity from Trump news.
+ “It’s the sort of ruling that might have seemed superfluous not very long ago: Essential ideas about American government have long presupposed that the president, like every other citizen, can be punished if he commits crimes. Although the court makes that explicit, and clears the way (for now) for Trump’s prosecution for attempted election subversion to proceed, it is a sign of the country’s fragility that the question was even up for debate.” Donald Trump Loses His ‘Absolute Immunity’ Claim.
+ OK, moving onto the next major Trump case…On Thursday, SCOTUS will hear arguments about whether or not Trump can remain on the ballot in Colorado. And lest you think the case is being brought by some young, rabid, liberal, snowflakes, meet “Norma Anderson, a trailblazing former GOP legislator.” WaPo (Gift Article): The 91-year-old Republican suing to kick Donald Trump off the ballot.