Extra, Extra

Intractorable: “Farmers protesting across Europe have won their first concession from Brussels, with the EU announcing a delay in rules that would have forced them to set aside land to encourage biodiversity and soil health.” A massive protest featuring tractor roadblocks has shaken Europe. The Guardian: EU to delay new green rule in bid to appease protesting farmers. Go a little deeper with Reuters: French farmers’ union call for end of blockades as anger spreads in Europe.

+ Union Square Up: European Union approves $54 billion aid for Ukraine as Hungary drops opposition. (Viktor Orbán came around faster than the House GOP…)

+ Theater of the Absurd: Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Especially when you created the law. NPR: A Tennessee lawmaker helped pass a strict abortion law. He’s now trying to loosen it. “Five years ago, when state Sen. Richard Briggs co-sponsored legislation that would codify some of the country’s most austere abortion restrictions in Tennessee – it seemed to him like little more than political theater. ‘The truth was I thought it would never come to be,’ he says.” It came to be. And it’s having a big impact on women. And it will have a big impact in November. ‘I wasn’t allowed to get the healthcare I needed’: the women suing Tennessee for being denied abortion.

+ Wait, You Did What?! “The House accomplished something unusual Wednesday in passing with broad, bipartisan support a roughly $79 billion tax cut package that would enhance the child tax credit for millions of lower-income families and boost three tax breaks for businesses.”

+ When There’s a Willis There’s a Way: “Willis has faced immense public scrutiny since allegations first surfaced that she has benefitted financially from a romantic relationship with lead prosecutor Nathan Wade. Despite calls by some legal experts to recuse herself from the case to protect its integrity, she is not expected to do so, the sources told CNN.”

+ Pro Tip: Trump campaign donors footed the bill for more than $50M in legal fees last year. Every con man needs a mark.

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