Cook in the Kitchen

“He’s sitting right there. On the f-cking moon! With Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong of Apollo 11, he looks around and there’s the ghostly luminescence of ancient dust under a black, star-studded sky. It’s magnificent. It’s amazing. There, in the distance, is the earth. The blue dot. Where all of this magic is happening. But Cook’s not just on the moon. He’s also in that secret room. In that secret building. And he can see Rockwell and other Apple employees, and he can see his own hands. And he knows right then and there what this all means. Like the universe is telling him something. He knows that this is the future of computing and entertainment and apps and memories, and that this crude apparatus wrapped around his head will change everything. He knows Apple has to make this thing its next product category.” In Vanity Fair, Nick Bilton tells the origin story of the product that has divided opinions, even among Apple’s most avid fans. Why Tim Cook Is Going All In on the Apple Vision Pro. (Hey, I was pretty certain no one would want to mix music listening and phone calling on the same device. So don’t ask me.)

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