Take This Job and Gov It

The Senate has been called America’s most exclusive club. Maybe that’s because you’d have to be out of your mind to want to become a member. Most of us can barely stand to follow politics. Can you imagine being in politics. It’s not just the politics of personal destruction, the cable news and social media attacks, or the potential of getting trapped in a water cooler debate about Jewish space lasers. Increasingly, it’s about personal safety. Time: Public Officials Face Surge of Threats Ahead of 2024 Election. “Since the 2020 election, state and local officials have faced a surge of violent threats, harassment, and intimidation. A new report published Thursday by the Brennan Center for Justice lays out how this abuse is reshaping the way public officials across the U.S. do their jobs, making them less likely to engage with constituents, hold public events, advocate for policies that could lead to blowback, or run for re-election.” The few decent potential politicians now have even less incentive to get involved. So where does that leave us?

+ The craziness, calculating, and cowardice of our so-called leaders (esp on one side of the aisle) has made getting anything done nearly impossible. And the worst qualities of the House are now bleeding into the Senate. Just today, two issues as vital as Ukraine support and addressing the border were thrown under the bus because an insurrectionist indictee in orange clown makeup doesn’t want to risk anything positive happening. “Trump’s desire to wield chaos at the border as a political weapon against President Joe Biden in a general election campaign is a factor in the ongoing congressional negotiations, with McConnell telling Republicans: ‘We don’t want to do anything to undermine him.'” Mitt Romney responded to the latest failure: “The fact that he would communicate to Republican senators and congresspeople that he doesn’t want us to solve the border problem because he wants to blame Biden for it is really appalling.” But Romney knows as well as anyone that ‘appalling’ is the name of the game in today’s Congress. That’s why he’s leaving.

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