Feel Good Friday
“The Los Angeles school district runs a shop that maintains and repairs the 80,000 musical instruments used by students in the district. Kris Bowers and Ben Proudfoot made this short documentary about the shop and the people who work there, some of whom have been broken and repaired themselves.” The Last Repair Shop.
+ Good girl! Officer enlists a Michigan man’s dog to help rescue him from an icy lake. And, Good boy: dog saves Philadelphia neighborhood from potentially explosive gas leak.
+ Vermont State Police troopers pulls off incredible rescue after girl falls through ice into pond.
+ How Michael Glenn, a 16-year-old high school student, saved his town from becoming a news desert.
+ Girls, ages 13 and 14, save tourists from riptide in Barbados.
+ ‘Dead Man’ Comes Alive After Ambulance Hits Pothole In Haryana.