The Magnet Magnate
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. And, apparently, magnet fishing. It’s no secret that nearly everyone wants to be an influencer and every influencer wants to go viral. But the ways people attempt to achieve their dream can still manage to surprise. Consider James Kane, a guy who spends his day tossing a giant magnet into a lake in the Bronx. What does he attract? Tune in and find out. NYT (Gift Article): He Has Fished Out Grenades, Bikes and Guns. Can Fame Be Far Behind? “A YouTube video of a grenade being pulled from the water along the Brooklyn shoreline could be viral gold. ‘Some magnet fishers go their whole lives without this happening,’ Mr. Kane said, pacing the boardwalk excitedly. ‘I’ve never won a lottery in my entire life — even a scratch-off. This is historic. It’s pure frickin’ insanity. One hundred percent.'” (I once convinced my parents of the efficacy of a career in newsletter writing by telling them my alternate plan was magnet fishing.)