
“There was a panic that these A.I. models will allow a whole new way of doing something that could be construed as cheating … [But] we’re just not seeing the change in the data.” According to a pair of Stanford researchers, concerns about a mass increase in cheating with ChatGPT hasn’t necessarily happened, as the overall level of cheating has remained pretty static. NYT (Gift Article): Cheating Fears Over Chatbots Were Overblown, New Research Suggests. That said, the amount of cheating students do is, well, significant. “In surveys this year of more than 40 U.S. high schools, some 60 to 70 percent of students said they had recently engaged in cheating — about the same percent as in previous years.” At the time of the survey, about two-thirds of students said they only knew a little or nothing at all about ChatGPT. So they still have time to learn to cheat more (or at least better).

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