Wet Noodle

From Bloomberg: The World’s Fastest-Sinking Megacity Has One Last Chance to Save Itself. “Parts of Jakarta are subsiding at unprecedented speed. The longshot fix rests with noodle billionaire Anthoni Salim … If Salim can help … deliver on the plan to bring water to every Jakarta household, experts say the city has a chance — and the company will rake in billions of dollars. If it fails, it’s likely that chaos will reign in the world’s second-biggest metropolis. Unabated sinking, combined with intensifying storms and rising sea levels, will be more than Jakarta’s seawalls can withstand, said JanJaap Brinkman, a flood expert at Dutch water research institute Deltares: ‘There will be so much sea water rushing in, it will never stop. There will be no escape.'” No pressure.

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