Bible Trumping
For people opposed to Donald Trump, one of the hardest things to understand is how so many people can still not be opposed to Donald Trump. It’s even more confusing when those supporters are deeply religious. As a journalist and the son of an evangelical minister, Tim Alberta is in a unique position to try to explain what’s going on. In an article adapted from his new book, he gives us a rare inside glimpse, including some of the notes and comments he received from fellow congregants at his father’s funeral. One church elder “had composed this note, on the occasion of my father’s death, to express just how disappointed he was in me. I was part of an evil plot, the man wrote, to undermine God’s ordained leader of the United States. My criticisms of President Trump were tantamount to treason—against both God and country—and I should be ashamed of myself. However, there was still hope. Jesus forgives, and so could this man. If I used my journalism skills to investigate the ‘deep state,’ he wrote, uncovering the shadowy cabal that was supposedly sabotaging Trump’s presidency, then I would be restored. He said he was praying for me.” The Atlantic (Gift Article): My Father, My Faith, and Donald Trump.