Extra, Extra
Delhi Case: “Vanraj is among thousands of schoolchildren in Delhi whose schedules have abruptly changed due to air pollution rising to alarming levels. Over the past few days, Delhi’s Air Quality Index (AQI) – which measures the level of PM 2.5 or fine particulate matter in the air – has consistently crossed the 450 mark, nearly 10 times the acceptable limit. Breathing this toxic air is akin to smoking 25-30 cigarettes a day, according to lung specialists.” Delhi pollution: No school, no play for city’s children.
+ Principals and Principles: “On the other side of the hardship, the principals promise, there can be healing. But the story must begin with the horror. Because the horror, unfortunately, is how you join the club.” The Club No School Principal Wants to Join.
+ No Foul No Arm: “While fury is Beijing’s default response to any military support for Taiwan, this time something was different.” The US is quietly arming Taiwan to the teeth.
+ That Ship Has Sailed: Seems like a pretty key forward-looking indicator: “Shipping giant Maersk is laying off thousands more workers as weak demand and lower freight prices pummel its revenues — a sign the pandemic-driven boom in shipping is turning to bust.”
+ Space Jammed: “Earth orbit is no longer the realm of innovation and discovery. It’s a resource up for grabs, and it is being grabbed with impunity.” NYT: Befouling the Final Frontier. “As humanity rushes back to space, we seem to be repeating some of the mistakes we’ve made on Earth.” (You can set your phasers because I’m stunned…)
+ Grand Pa: This 92-Year-Old Just Became the Oldest Person to Hike the Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim. “At 24 miles in length and with more than 10,000 feet of climbing, it’s a challenge for anyone.”
+ Flag Waiving: Flag Football is set to debut in the Olympics in 2028. That seems weird. It could seem even more out of place if the field is filled with NFL players. (Even with five years warning, Taylor Swift watching Travis Kelce in the Olympics is not something the world can prepare for…)