Kraken the Case

As I’ve mentioned, these days I’m a one-issue voter. That issue is democracy. And today seems to be a relatively good day for American democracy and a bad one (perhaps, ominously so for some) for insurrectionists. First, at least for now, Jim Jordan’s quest to become the Speaker of the House is on hold. This means that also on hold is my nonstop projectile vomiting, but the nausea remains since the United States still has no functioning House. Here’s the latest on the House speaker race. (Even though Jordan has been defeated by 20 and 22 votes in subsequent votes, he says he still plans to win the race. I guess it’s hardly breaking news that Jim Jordan won’t accept the results of a fair vote.)

+ In other insurrectionist news, lawyer Sidney Powell pleaded guilty to reduced charges Thursday over efforts to overturn Donald Trump’s loss in the 2020 election in Georgia. “As part of the deal, she will serve six years of probation, will be fined $6,000 and will have to write an apology letter to Georgia and its residents. She also recorded a statement for prosecutors and agreed to testify truthfully against her co-defendants at future trials.”

+ The Atlantic (Gift Article): What Sidney Powell’s Deal Could Mean for the Fulton County Case Against Trump. “The Kraken has been released—on probation.”

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