Red, White, and Bullet

A shirtless man with a holstered handgun entered the Wisconsin Capitol on Wednesday and demanded to see Gov. Tony Evers. The man was taken into custody since his weapon was not concealed and he didn’t have a valid permit. Yes, there is apparently an obtainable permit that allows one to carry a concealed weapon in the Capitol building. The shirtless man with a holstered handgun was able to post bail, after which he returned to the Wisconsin Capitol building, again demanding to see the governor, this time carrying an assault rifle. This is a story about the increasing threat of politically motivated violence and American gun laws that are as crazy as the armed, shirtless guy who tried to skirt them in Wisconsin.

+ American kids need to be on constant alert for school shootings. And, recently, they need to worry about school shooting hoaxes as well. WaPo (Gift Article): Coordinated ‘swatting’ effort may be behind hundreds of school shooting hoaxes. “In state after state, heavily armed officers have entered schools prepared for the worst. Students have hidden in toilets, closets, nurse’s offices. They’ve barricaded doors with desks and refrigerators. Medical helicopters have been placed on standby while trauma centers have paused surgeries, anticipating possible victims. Terrified parents have converged on schools, not knowing if their children are safe.”

+ “Health experts say the stark contrast of fewer nonfatal and far more fatal injuries among kids and teens highlights the success of public health strategies that addressed sources of injuries such as car crashes, but not more lethal ones such as guns and drugs.” More kids, teens are dying from injury-related causes. Experts blame drugs and guns.

+ How’s this for a headline from WaPo (Gift Article): Officiant fires gun to welcome bride, shoots grandson — and wedding goes on.

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