In 1967, the Rolling Stones changed a lyric to their song, Let’s Spend the Night Together to Let’s Spend Some Time Together at the request of Ed Sullivan who famously told the band, “either the song goes, or you go.” More than five decades later, there are plenty of companies who are singing the same less suggestive tune to their employees, who left the office during Covid and don’t really seem to want to come back. While employers are singing Miss You and asking workers to Get Off of My Cloud and return to the office, employees have no Sympathy for the Devil and are unwilling to become a Beast of Burden. So who will get Satisfaction, bosses telling staffers you’re Under My Thumb or labor explaining to executives that even You Can’t Always Get What You Want? After suffering their 19th Nervous Breakdown, and unwilling to make it twenty, many companies are risking being accused of having a Heart of Stone and getting out of the business of Emotional Rescue no matter who it leaves Shattered by informing those who wish to remained employed that, yes, you Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo have to return to the office. Some of this was predictable given CFOs who see a red P&L statement and want to Paint it Black, but a new sign that It’s All Over Now and we’ve reached the point When the Whip Comes Down is that even Zoom, yes the Zoom that promises an “immersive in-office collaboration right from home,” wants employees to start coming back to the office. Zoom has ‘Zoom fatigue,’ requires workers to return to the office.

+ Quartz: It’s no surprise Zoom wants workers back in the office.

+ Cities don’t have as much pull when it comes to drawing people back to their old haunts. And many are hearing locals singing the Taylor Swift refrain, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together (Like, ever). Nowhere is that more true than in downtown San Francisco. The city’s downtown pandemic recovery remains dead last among 52 select cities throughout the US.