Weekend Whats

What to Doc: I was lucky to see the Sundance premiere (along with the man himself) of Stephen Curry: Underrated, now playing on AppleTV. It’s hard to imagine Steph ever being underrated, but he was at almost every point of his college and early NBA career. Curry is one of the doc’s producers, so there’s nothing hard hitting about it. But it’s a really fun, inspirational ride.

+ What to Show: Also on AppleTV, the show Drops of God has a interesting set-up and a really intriguing first episode. The less you know, the better.

+ What to Book: Need some summer reading? Here’s a good list from Barack Obama. (I’ve already recommended Small Mercies and I’m currently reading All the Sinners Bleed. So I’m basically the former president.) Bonus: Some book recs from Reid Hoffman, a list that includes Jennifer Pahlka’s excellent and wildly well-received Recoding America, which Reid calls “one of the best policy books ever written.”

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