The Supreme Court Justice Gift Guide

“Justices are almost entirely left to police themselves on ethical issues, with few restrictions on what gifts they can accept. When a potential conflict arises, the sole arbiter of whether a justice should step away from a case is the justice him or herself.” Which brings us to Samuel Alito, who Took Luxury Fishing Vacation With GOP Billionaire Who Later Had Cases Before the Court. And, surprise, surprise, the maker of the current Court majority is connected to this as well. “Leonard Leo, the longtime leader of the conservative Federalist Society, attended and helped organize the Alaska fishing vacation. Leo invited Singer to join, according to a person familiar with the trip, and asked Singer if he and Alito could fly on the billionaire’s jet. Leo had recently played an important role in the justice’s confirmation to the court. Singer and the lodge owner were both major donors to Leo’s political groups.” (Today’s kids will want to join SCOTUS for the perks.)

+ How will this Court react to the drop in public trust and accountability? They’re just gonna keep on keeping on. Bloomberg: An Aggressive Supreme Court Reshapes the US as Its Standing Erodes.

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