In Bot We Trust

Are we turning technology into a religion with AI as our new god? Maybe it’s less of a takeover than a merger. Consider these stories, the first from Rest of World. India’s religious AI chatbots are speaking in the voice of god — and condoning violence. “When ChatGPT was setting new growth records, Bengaluru-based software engineer Sukuru Sai Vineet launched GitaGPT. The chatbot, powered by GPT-3 technology, provides answers based on the Bhagavad Gita, a 700-verse Hindu scripture. GitaGPT mimics the Hindu god Krishna’s tone — the search box reads, ‘What troubles you, my child?'”

+ After a hassidic movement banned artificial intelligence, Rabbi Moishy Goldstein created Kosher.Chat, an AI chatbot with answers appropriate for Orthodox Jews. Oy.

+ On her way to the picket line, TV writer Alena Smith waves goodbye to human storytelling. Vanity Fair: The AI Apocalypse Is Coming for Hollywood, but Don’t Robots Rule Us Already? “Does anyone really doubt an AI could handle the next 40,000 superhero sequels? And who in the dazed, content-battered audience would protest? Surely not the generation of smooth-brained youths who have barely left the house in four years, whose interiorities have oozed out of them, becoming one with the feed. Those poor kids, with their Roblox and their Minecraft and their p-rn addictions, who have surrendered all their privacy yet still ended up with a loneliness epidemic … We had a good run with our myriad millennia of arts and culture, but I’m calling it now: That’s a wrap.” (Hey, it’s not over until Kosher.Chat says it’s over…)

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