Extra, Extra
Home Run: “It turns out that, given a place to live, Finland’s homeless were better able to deal with addictions and other problems, not to mention handling job applications. So, more than a decade after the launch of the “Housing First” policy, 80 per cent of Finland’s homeless are doing well, still living in the housing they’d been provided with — but now paying the rent on their own.” How Finland managed to virtually end homelessness.
+ Death Row: “After 26 years behind bars, nine execution dates, three last meals and two independent investigations that raised serious doubts about his conviction, Oklahoma death row inmate Richard Glossip is facing what could be the final days of his life.” (Even though both prosecutors and defense agree he wasn’t given a fair trial.)
+ Chem Tales: “Sacrifice zones — that’s what we call them … These areas here are paying the price for the rest of the nation, really.” NYT (Gift Article): Living and Breathing on the Front Line of a Toxic Chemical Zone.
+ They The People: “About 74 percent of the electorate was White, compared with 59 percent of the population. About 41 percent of the electorate was 60 or older, compared with 30 percent of the adult population.” This from WaPo explains a lot: New data shows how little the electorate looks like the population.
+ Bing O: “Where once you went to a search engine to find another website to go to, you will now go to a search engine and stay on that search engine.” The Atlantic (Free Article): Bing is a Trap.
+ Don’t Ignore the Buzz: “Run in a straight line, find an enclosed space and don’t jump into water. Here’s how to stay safe when a swarm of bees attacks.” WaPo: What to do if you get attacked by bees? First, run away.
+ No Additional Kostner: At long last, Americans across the political spectrum are all angry about the same thing. “Yellowstone is officially coming to an end, with the final episodes of the megahit Paramount Network series’ fifth season set to launch in November.”