Doobie Brothers in Arms
Today is 4/20. But it’s 4/20 in the year 2023, so that means even the origin of this day has folks tripping. After a chronic debate, the one thing everyone seems to agree on is that seeds of the pot smoking holiday began in the 70s at my alma mater, San Rafael High School. “The shorthand for pot was invented by a group of goofball high school students in Marin County in the 1970s. But which exact students invented it? Answering this question is pitting two groups of lifelong friends against each other 50 years after the phrase was first uttered.” The Bay Area origins of ‘420′ are full of controversy. Maybe we need a joint commission to study the matter. Or we can just focus on San Rafael High’s two other much more impressive claims to fame: It was the high school attended by Byron Stewart who went on to play Coolidge in The White Shadow and, during my illustrious era, it was the site where Night Ranger filmed their megahit Sister Christian video. I guess after today’s lead story, we should also add that San Rafael High includes among its graduates the writer of Google’s 255,457th most important AI source.
+ This intellectual search for data sort of ruins the whole spirit of 4/20. Better to celebrate as intended. By listening to a Seth Rogen laugh compilation.