Flood Damage
“On Saturday, as U.S. officials and their foreign allies scrambled to understand how dozens of classified intelligence documents had ended up on the internet, they were stunned – and occasionally infuriated – at the extraordinary range of detail the files exposed about how the United States spies on friends and foes alike.” This is both interesting a deeply disturbing. Intelligence leak exposes U.S. spying on adversaries and allies.
+ CNN on some of what was leaked: “Some of the documents, which US officials say are authentic, expose the extent of US eavesdropping on key allies, including South Korea, Israel and Ukraine. Others reveal the degree to which the US has penetrated the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Russian mercenary organization Wagner Group, largely through intercepted communications and human sources, which could now be cut off or put in danger. Still others divulge key weaknesses in Ukrainian weaponry, air defense, and battalion sizes and readiness at a critical point in the war.”
+ NYT (Free article): How the Latest Leaked Documents Are Different From Past Breaches.