Extra, Extra
Feel Good Tuesday: WaPo: Sliced bread, catfish catching, little league champs, moms who rock. NPR shares some of the weird, wild and wonderful stories you might have missed this year.
+ Cough Won’t Drop: A Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, which is why I expect a sugar shortage in the near future. CVS, Walgreens limit purchases of children’s pain-relief medicine. There’s not an urgent shortage, but the rationing is yet one more clue that everyone is sick right now. (And if my experience is any indication, this bug never ends…)
+ Not My Type: “Furchner was found guilty of aiding and abetting the murder of 10,505 people and complicity in the attempted murder of five others. As she was only 18 or 19 at the time, she was tried in a special juvenile court.” (Which is a little weird, since she was 97 at the time of the trial.) Irmgard Furchner: Nazi typist guilty of complicity in 10,500 murders.
+ We Like to Watch: Argentina’s win over France was the most watched men’s soccer game ever in the United States. We’re not talking big game NFL numbers yet, but we’re getting there. Meanwhile, here’s are some shots from the victory parage in Argentina. And, Here’s What Will Happen to Qatar’s Billion Dollar Stadiums Now That the World Cup Is Over. “The total seating capacity comes to 426,031, nearly 100,000 seats more than the entire native population of Qatar.” (This could be the one place on Earth where it’s possible to get Taylor Swift tickets.)