
“We also must acknowledge that our fight against C‌‌ovid-19 has been hindered by the profound political divisiveness in our society. In a way that we have never seen before, decisions about public health measures such as wearing masks and being vaccinated with highly effective and safe vaccines have been influenced by disinformation and political ideology.” After working on issues from HIV to Covid, Anthony Fauci shares some takeaways in the NYT (Gift Article): A Message to the Next Generation of Scientists.

+ Sadly, this piece is not why Fauci was trending this weekend. That was because Elon Musk has been radicalized and is using his new toy to share his increasingly deranged views. The lastest example was a Tweet that read: “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci.” (Bro, your pronouns are Darth/Vader.) Charlie Warzel in The Atlantic: Elon Musk Is a Far-Right Activist.

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