Extra, Extra
All Rhodes Lead to Rome: “Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes was convicted Tuesday of seditious conspiracy for a violent plot to overturn President Joe Biden’s election.” A good step. Keep moving up the chain. And from BBC, a personal side of this story. Stewart Rhodes’ son: ‘How I escaped my father’s militia.’ “Dakota grew up ‘absolutely believing’ in his father’s view of the world – what he described as a ‘vision of a shadowy, malicious communist conspiracy seeking to institute a New World Order… aiming to seize total power and institute a one world government that would intentionally sow chaos.’ It took until his teenage years for his faith in the coming government-backed apocalypse to be shaken, and until his early adulthood to finally escape.”
+ Ring Masters: “The Senate passed bipartisan legislation Tuesday to protect same-sex marriages, an extraordinary sign of shifting national politics on the issue and a measure of relief for the hundreds of thousands of same-sex couples who have married since the Supreme Court’s 2015 decision that legalized gay marriage nationwide.” WaPo: How a bipartisan group of senators got same-sex marriage protections passed.
+ Team Hakeem: While Kevin McCarthy is still rounding of the votes for his speakership, Dems united behind Hakeem Jeffries who was just “elected to be the first Black American to head a major political party in Congress.”
+ Memorable Moment: We need more studies. We don’t know enough about side-effects and longterm safety. But there’s been a breakthrough in an area where we’ve been desperate for one. Alzheimer’s drug lecanemab hailed as momentous breakthrough.
+ Mall-E: After raucous meeting, San Francisco approves plan for lethal police robots.
+ Ad Nausea: “When you search for a product on Amazon, you may not realize that most of what you see at first is advertising.” It’s not always clearly marked. And there’s a lot of it. In WaPo (Gift Article), Geoffrey A. Fowler provides an illustrated guide. It’s not your imagination: Shopping on Amazon has gotten worse. It’s enough to give you ad a.d.d.