Extra, Extra
In Shape For Things to Come: “Residents of Kyiv are doing everything from riding their bikes to build stamina to taking marksmanship courses to prepare for the future. At least one upmarket gym has launched multiday classes on combat training and physical fitness.” Cross training in Kyiv crosses fitness with military drills. The Office Workers of Kyiv Hit the CrossFit Gym—for Weapons Training.
+ Symbolic ACT: “Scores on the ACT college admissions test by this year’s high school graduates hit their lowest point in more than 30 years — the latest evidence of the enormity of learning disruption during the pandemic.”
+ Pitched Battle: “A former Los Angeles Angels employee was sentenced to 22 years in federal prison Tuesday for providing Angels pitcher Tyler Skaggs the drugs that led to his overdose death in Texas … A coroner’s report said Skaggs, 27, had choked to death on his vomit and that a toxic mix of alcohol, fentanyl and oxycodone was in his system.” So this guy gets 22 years and the Sacklers get nothing.
+ In Like Print: “As the midterm elections approach, physical copies of what appears to be a regional Arizona news publication are showing up on voters’ doorstep.” Not satisfied with lying on the Internet, big money donors are now publishing fake print newspapers.
+ Blame the Messenger: “A New Orleans attorney who represents victims of clerical sexual abuse faces a $400,000 fine after alerting a local Catholic high school that a priest who worked there once admitted to fondling and kissing a teen girl he met at another church institution.” No, you’re not reading that wrong. You’re more likely to get punished for calling out one of these creeps than for being one.
+ Yeah, They Were All Fellow: An ornithologist, a cellist and a human rights activist: Here’s a look at the 2022 MacArthur Fellows.