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“‘I’m glad I can make people happy with my art and they can hang it in their homes,’ he said on a recent Monday at the Chase gallery. He was standing before one of his works, ‘The Professor,’ a large, Cubist-like painting of a man rendered in acrylic and oil that stands four and a half feet high — as tall as the artist himself. “This one I did when I was younger, when I was 8,” he added shyly.” NYT (Gift Article): Six-Figure Artworks, by a Fifth Grader. Andres Valencia’s paintings have sold for more than $125,000. And he’s 10 years old.

+ For those not familiar with the NFL, this is not where punts are suppose to go.

+ Trump-linked SPAC changes address to UPS Store as investors pull more than $130 million. (Wow, no one saw this coming…)

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