You Want a Piece of Me?

“After years of being ideas people to the world’s ideas people, the brothers had come to New York to fund-raise for a big and lucrative idea of their own. In Central Park, they told me that, with Maria and Anna, they’d created an entity called Libermans Co. It held all the income from their enterprises; any debts, assets, and profits they might gain; and any investments they might make or companies they might start for the next thirty years. They had gathered all these elements and sold shares in the whole, offering investors, effectively, a stake in their entire financial future—shares in their life … Improbably, though, the Libermans see this endeavor as part of an effort to stem twenty-first-century inequality. If they can sell life shares, they think, others can, too” The New Yorker’s Nathan Heller with the story of two pretty odd brothers who are giving new meaning to sharing is caring. Is Selling Shares in Yourself the Way of the Future? The Liberman brothers might be worth the investment for the entertainment value alone, but if you buy the notion that this model could be a useful way to stem inequality, I’m going to make a mint short-selling shares in you.

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