Extra, Extra

If the Shoe Fits: “The son of the disgraced late Philippines dictator Ferdinand Marcos vowed on Tuesday to work for all people after his stunning election victory, and told the world to judge him by his presidency, not his family’s past.” Yesterday, I gave the wrong link to Time’s story on how Bongbong Marcos pulled it off.

+ Twit Happens: “Musk, speaking virtually at a Future of the Car summit hosted by the Financial Times, said Twitter’s Trump ban was a ‘morally bad decision’ and ‘foolish in the extreme.’ He said permanent bans of Twitter accounts should be rare and reserved for accounts that are scams or automated bots.” Musk says he would reverse Twitter’s ban of Donald Trump. (This is the least surprising headline in recent memory. Now would be a good time to reflect on today’s third story about the amount of damage that one sociopath can do to the world – especially with the help of powerful enablers.)

+ Off Guard: “A former Alabama jail official on the run with a murder suspect she was accused of helping escape shot and killed herself Monday as authorities caught up with the pair after more than a week of searching, officials said. The man she fled with surrendered.” Fugitive inmate captured after manhunt, ex-jail officer dead.

+ Reporting for Duty: “The 2022 Pulitzer Prize winners were announced Monday, with many awards going to journalists that covered inequities in the U.S. around voting and policing. Two prizes were also awarded to journalists covering the Jan. 6 Capitol siege.”

+ Cold Cases in a Hot World: “‘There’s no telling what we’ll find in Lake Mead,’ former Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman said Monday. ‘It’s not a bad place to dump a body.'” Bodies surfacing in Lake Mead recall mob’s time in Las Vegas.

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