Extra, Extra

Long Term Relationship: In Fatal Attraction, Glenn Close famously warned, “I’m not going to be ignored.” Over the past couple months, I’ve often imagined Covid delivering the same line. We’ve moved on. It hasn’t. The numbers in my neck of the woods are on the rise. And this is probably a lull compared to the Fall. Coronavirus wave this fall and winter could potentially infect 100 million, White House warns. And from WaPo: The lucky few to never get coronavirus could teach us more about it.

+ M&M: “Over the past four years, Aid Access says it has delivered abortion medication — mifepristone and misoprostol — to more than 30,000 Americans across all 50 states, including the 19 conservative states that currently ban telemedicine abortion. The organization plays a unique role in the US reproductive rights ecosystem by successfully exploiting legal loopholes that make it easier for an overseas doctor to care for American patients in restrictive states — a role that could become even more key if Roe v. Wade is struck down.” The abortion provider that Republicans are struggling to stop. Meanwhile, Mississippi governor doesn’t rule out banning contraception if Roe falls.

+ QAnon and On and On: “Soon, the girls and boys, who were from Guatemala, were sitting under a blue tent devouring hamburgers and sausages. Their host for the day in this remote part of the Arizona desert, Jason Frank, an enthusiastic follower of the QAnon movement, distributed ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ T-shirts featuring an image of President Biden. Giggling and confused, the children changed into the shirts and posed for a group photo. Later, they formed a prayer circle with Mr. Frank and the rest of his team before the Border Patrol showed up. Mr. Frank and his group, guns holstered on their hips, have been camping out near Sasabe, Ariz., as a self-appointed border force.” NYT: QAnon Joins Vigilantes at the Southern Border. (Liars, imbeciles, religious fanatics, and lunatics are developing into quite a political force in America. And they’re well armed.)

+ Cover Up: “Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers on Saturday ordered all Afghan women to wear head-to-toe clothing in public — a sharp, hard-line pivot that confirmed the worst fears of rights activists.” (Hopefully SCOTUS doesn’t get any ideas…)

+ Damn the Neighsayers: “This doesn’t happen. Horses at odds of nearly 81-1 don’t win the Kentucky Derby. Jockeys who have never won any big stakes race of any kind don’t win the Kentucky Derby. Owners with fewer than 10 career wins don’t win the Kentucky Derby. Rich Strike and his connections disagree with those sentiments.” How 81-1 shot Rich Strike won the Kentucky Derby.

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