Between a Rock and a Hard Pace
Usually when business is unusually brisk, the people who run that business are feeling unusually happy. Not so for the proprietors of Domenick DeNigris Monuments and Mausoleums in the Bronx where business has been way to good for way too long. “‘We probably have over 800 orders, it’s so depressing,’ said Don DeNigris, a third-generation co-owner of the company, which was founded in 1905 by his grandfather. ‘We don’t even count them anymore.’ Mr. DeNigris added that they probably wouldn’t complete all of the orders until the end of the year, explaining that demand had been up by ’30 or 40 percent’ over the past two years. The memorial industry has been hugely disrupted because of Covid-related demand, supply-chain issues and labor shortages.” This is a backlog that is being felt by everyone in this business, and by the families of nearly a million Americans. NYT Gift Article: Tombstone Engravers Struggle to Keep Up With Demand.