Weekend Whats

What to Doc: I have been waiting all week to tell you to stop everything and watch The Rescue on Disney Plus. It is the riveting, remarkable story of the unlikely rescue of 12 boys trapped deep inside a flooded cave in Thailand. But it’s really the story of two sets of kids: the kids who were trapped, and the kids who were maligned, made fun of, and picked last for every team, but who grew up to be the right guys (and the only guys) qualified to be the heroes the world needed.

+ What to Watch: The Hookup Plan on Netflix is just a goofy feel good rom com type show that is good weekend binge watch, and it’s in French, so it seems more important.

+ What to Review: While we’re on the topic of voting rights this week, it’s worth a refresher on exactly how this very popular and very critical legislation gets stopped in its tracks. Jane Mayer in The New Yorker: Inside the Koch-Backed Effort to Block the Largest Election-Reform Bill in Half a Century. “The speakers on the call expressed alarm at the broad popularity of the bill’s provision calling for more public disclosure about secret political donors. The participants conceded that the bill, which would stem the flow of dark money from such political donors as the billionaire oil magnate Charles Koch, was so popular that it wasn’t worth trying to mount a public-advocacy campaign to shift opinion. Instead, a senior Koch operative said that opponents would be better off ignoring the will of American voters and trying to kill the bill in Congress.” It’s bad stuff. It works.

+ What to Read: “These aren’t your stereotypical parents of a child star, who, frustrated with their own crashed Hollywood dreams, put their kid through singing and dancing lessons in the living room of a bungalow in Van Nuys. But neither are they just an adorable couple who stumbled into fame and fortune. They’re much cannier than that.” NYT Magazine (Gift Article): The Boy King of YouTube. (FWIW, he’s not the king anymore. MrBeast was the highest-paid star of 2021.)

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