Build Killed

“This is a no on this legislation. I’ve tried everything I know how to do, and the president has worked diligently. He’s been wonderful to work with.” Joe Manchin has been telegraphing his opposition to the Build Back Better legislation for a long time. If that didn’t convince you he was a no, then the venue for his announcement certainly did. On Fox News, Joe Manchin says he won’t support President Biden’s Build Back Better plan.

+ Manchin blames White House staff for failed negotiations. As vital as some elements of the economic plan are, the voting rights legislation is more urgent and ultimately more important. It’s unclear how that’s gonna happen, though. Especially since the rage level is pretty high. WaPo: From charm offensive to scorched earth: How Biden’s fragile alliance with Manchin unraveled.

+ It could be just more negotiation. Let’s hope so, because, among other things, the legislation held the United States’s best chance to take action on the climate crisis this decade.

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