If You Billed It

If you build it, they will come. Of course, by they, I mean change orders, cost overruns, and costly delays. It was hard getting an infrastructure bill passed. It could be harder to put the money to effective use in a timely manner. A short overpass in my county has been under construction for so long they should rename the street “Road Work Ahead.” NYT (Gift Article): Years of Delays, Billions in Overruns: The Dismal History of Big Infrastructure. For an example, consider the 20-mile Honolulu rail transit line (it won’t be operational for more than a decade, so you’ll have to consider it in your mind): “The $4 billion estimate in 2006 was hardly cheap, amounting to $200 million per mile. The cost escalation since then has been an engineering marvel all its own. Concerns over Native Hawaiian burial grounds stalled early construction, then problems with welding and cracks in the tracks appeared. Earlier this year, engineers realized that in some sections, the wheels were a half-inch narrower than the rails. Order new wheels? Tear up the tracks? The launch dates slipped forward and the cost estimates crept upward — at latest count, $11.4 billion, with a target completion date of 2031.” (The timing and price seem pretty good compared to a bathroom retiling project my wife and I have penciled in for a 2042 ribbon cutting.)

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