That’s Just What I Was Thinking

I know what you’re thinking. At least I will soon. From fiction to faux reality, we’ve long encountered those who claim to be able to read minds. But between fMRI technology, artificial intelligence, and math, we’re getting closer to turning what’s always been science fiction into a reality. James Somers in The New Yorker: The Science of Mind Reading. Researchers are pursuing age-old questions about the nature of thoughts—and learning how to read them. “For centuries, scientists had dreamed of locating thought inside the head but had run up against the vexing question of what it means for thoughts to exist in physical space. When Erasistratus, an ancient Greek anatomist, dissected the brain, he suspected that its many folds were the key to intelligence, but he could not say how thoughts were packed into the convoluted mass. In the seventeenth century, Descartes suggested that mental life arose in the pineal gland, but he didn’t have a good theory of what might be found there. Our mental worlds contain everything from the taste of bad wine to the idea of bad taste. How can so many thoughts nestle within a few pounds of tissue?” (Or, in some cases, so few.)

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