Bombshell Report

“In the last days of the battle against the Islamic State in Syria, when members of the once-fierce caliphate were cornered in a dirt field next to a town called Baghuz, a U.S. military drone circled high overhead, hunting for military targets. But it saw only a large crowd of women and children huddled against a river bank. Without warning, an American F-15E attack jet streaked across the drone’s high-definition field of vision and dropped a 500-pound bomb on the crowd, swallowing it in a shuddering blast. As the smoke cleared, a few people stumbled away in search of cover. Then a jet tracking them dropped one 2,000-pound bomb, then another, killing most of the survivors.” NYT (Gift Article): How the U.S. Hid an Airstrike That Killed Dozens of Civilians in Syria. (You can hide these strikes from Americans. But you can’t hide them from those on the ground. And you can’t win hearts and minds by killing them.)

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