Ordering In
At this point, wouldn’t it be sort of nice if we could just order people to get vaccinated? Well, the military can. And just did. Pentagon: US troops must get their COVID-19 vaccines ASAP. Oorah!
+ “More than 80 school districts or charter networks have closed or delayed in-person classes for at least one entire school in more than a dozen states. Others have sent home whole grade levels or asked half their students to stay home on hybrid schedules.”
+ Johnson & Johnson says booster shot provides ‘rapid and robust’ Covid antibody increase.
+ Washington County sheriff confirms use of ivermectin at detention center. (Covid politics are so exhausting and crazy. But it’s worth noting that 71% of Americans over 12 have had at least one dose of vaccine. In a country where you can’t get a majority to agree on anything, we’re getting there.)