Bottom of the News

“Elden has repeatedly recreated the pose as a teenager and adult, diving into pools to pose (with swim trunks on) on the occasion of the album’s 10th, 17th, 20th and 25th anniversaries.” Man Photographed as Baby on ‘Nevermind’ Cover Sues Nirvana. (His lawyers should say, “never mind.”)

+ Tony Hawk Is Selling Skateboards Infused With His Blood.

+ Norman Lear said, “I can’t recall a more engaging read.” Former CBS News President Andrew Heyward called it, a “smart, funny, compelling and uniquely personal journey through 2020 with one of America’s smartest (and funniest) commentators.” I love them both. But you shouldn’t need anyone else to convince you pre-order my book. You’ve been reading my stuff for free for years! Let’s go! Order Please Scream Inside Your Heart today: IndieBound | Amazon | Apple |

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