Just Live, Baby

Just win, baby was the famous motto repeated by former Raider’s owner and general manager Al Davis. Today, it’s being applied to the fight against Covid. The Raiders have announced that proof of vaccination will be required to attend their home games in Las Vegas (in other words, you can gamble with anything but our lives). It’s a start, but we need more. It’s time to keep matriculating the ball down the field, boys. Howie Long do we have to wait? As NY Mag’s Will Leitch explains, The NFL Should Require Fans to Get Vaccinated. So should every sport. So should every entertainment venue. So should every government employer and private corporation. Want a Frappuccino? Show me the vaccine. Want to Netflix and Chill? First I need to see your clean bill. Want to take a couple shots? Then get a couple shots. In the early days of the pandemic, The Atlantic’s Yascha Mounk famously advised us to Cancel Everything. It’s time to vaccinate everything. We need more sane corporate and government leaders to step up. How many more headlines like this one from WaPo do we need before our efforts become more urgent? A mom of 4 who died of covid days after her husband makes one final wish: ‘Make sure my kids get vaccinated.’

+ Greg Abbott’s state loves the adage, “Don’t mess with Texas!” But Covid doesn’t give a shit where you are, who you are, or how transparently craven your politics are. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tests positive for COVID-19. Meanwhile, “a North Texas school district has made masks a part of its dress code for the academic year, hoping to exploit a possible loophole in Republican Gov. Greg Abbott’s statewide ban on mandates regarding face coverings.” Before his postive test, Abbott attended a series of public, indoor, crowded, maskless events. He was spreading the virus while banning caution.

+ For Americans interested in defeating the virus, the vaccine boosters will engage Sept 20.

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